Monday, July 25, 2011


I don't know about everyone else out there but there are a few things that are going on in our state and country that I am SOOOO sick of hearing about.  Now, I will always be sick to my stomach when there are stories about child abuse and murders and drunk drivers and whatnot.  But, that is not what I am talking about today.  While those things are horrible, unfortunately since we are a free country people are probably always going to think that they have a right to make bad decisions.  Plus, I feel so strongly about child abuse and drunk drivers that if I decided to blog about those topics today I would totally get off of my subject at hand.  So, here it goes....
First-I really, really, really I mean really don't want to hear about the NFL and their trade negoitations anymore.  And while we're talking about it I don't care about the NBA either.  Unfortunately I probably hear more than the average person because of my husband's obsession with ESPN and Sports Center.  It is SO frustrating to hear a bunch of grown men (and a few women, I am sure) whine and complain about how they are going to divide up billions of dollars.  I actually hope that they don't sign the agreement that is front of them right now.  Make them feel some pain from this stupid, asinine argument they are having.  Because the fact is, they SHOULDN'T have billions of dollars to divide up.  They play a sport.  A child's game. And make obscene amounts of money to do so. And yet have some of the worst behavior in our society.  Their franchises contain murderers, women and children abusers, repeat drug offenders, animal killers, drunk drivers, illegal gun carriers.  And what does our society do?  We reward this above the law behavior with more money and clout.  And the NBA players?  Kobe Bryant refused a $500,000 a month contract because he is worth a minimum of one million dollars a month.  $500,000 A  MONTH!??????  He refused that?  Something is wrong with our world if a man refuses that much money to play a game.  Get over yourself.  (For full disclosure I really don't care for him as a person-pretty sure he is a rapist that got away with it my smearing his victim, at the very least he is a cheater).  So, to all these so-called grown-ups I say SHUT UP!  I don't want to hear anymore about it.  If they sign a deal, okay, I guess it should be reported on in the news, but give it the attention it deserves-a 30 second spiel and move on to MUCH MORE important things.
Now, onto our fabulous, wonderful political system.  WTF!  Seriously, people. This is how our country is ran?  These are the people we vote for?  Do they really, seriously believe that when the citizens of this country went out and voted that we were hoping for this kind of behavior?  All I have heard about in these last few months is how the Democrats and Republicans have been fighting and arguing about budgets and money and taxes and debt ceilings.  Blah. My personal opinion on the whole Minnesota budget is that while I don't object to raising taxes on the richest people in this state, I don't believe that we should do so just to generate new income.  We spend too much money as it is as a government.  I think that was evident when the state shut down and we actually saw how many different programs and businesses depend on the government.  Now, some of those businesses were at the mercy of the government because of licensing and other issues along those lines.  But, I truly believe that a smaller government is better.  And the fact is that we give away a lot of money all the time to people and businesses who don't need it.  Who could be taking care of themselves but choose, CHOOSE not to.  For some reason we reward people who make poor and bad decisions in their lives.  But, I am seriously not going to go there in this post. And why is it that this politicians continued to get paid for their inactivity?  In any other job, if the work didn't get done you would be fired and not paid.  But, not when you work at the capital.  Such a joke.  And as for the national debt ceiling and budget debate....I have purposefully tried to not listen to much of this simply because it is so frustrating to even think about.  My take-away from this is-it's very similar to an individual who has a credit card.  They call the credit card company and ask for a credit limit increase based on the fact that if they don't get more money they won't be able to continue to pay their bills.  And people in this country and around the world wonder why Americans deal with money and finances in the way that they do.  Spend money we don't have, expect it to always work out for the best-not plan for the worst and live for today not the future.  Well, duh!  Look at how our government is ran?  What other behavior would you expect?  It's very similar to parenting.  You tell and preach to your kids to not hit, but then they see dad smack mom and they think it's okay-based on the behavior.  I think that we need to do away with these stupid politician parties.  That way there are no "political lines" to adhere to or not to cross.   
I really need to stop watching so much darn TV, it can not be helping my poor blood pressure!

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