Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Update

So, I haven't blogged in a while.  Like I said earlier, I have a couple of other blogs that I have started but just haven't felt comfortable with how they are right now so  I am waiting to tweak them before I post them.  But, I thought I would put out a update.  I have another ultrasound and appointment with my doctors today.  So, hopefully we will get another answer of two boys!:)  I think if we get that we I will feel comfortable starting to wash all the new clothes and getting that stuff organized.  Plus, I have to order their special baby blankets. With each kid I have bought them a super soft and sweet Lil Giraffe blanket.  For both the girls they have ended up their "favorite" blankies.  But, those darn things are cheap and I have put off buying them for the boys til I knew for sure that they were just that-boys!

Also, this big appointment will probably determine what my fate is regarding work and activity level.  At my last appointment there was some discussion of me returning to work.  I was a little concerned but thought that I would start to increase my activity and lifting and what-not.  I spoke with my physical therapist about this and she told me to take it slow and easy.  Which I tried.....and it pretty much went horribly.  The more activity I did the more contractions I had and the stronger they were.  Also, developed alot of pelvic pressure and back pain, which after doing some research on pre-term labors are all bad signs.  I have a feeling today that we will progress towards bedrest or some type of modification of that.  It doesn't really matter what they call it because Joe has already put me on lock-down.  He's even told Grace to question me when I am doing....well, anything.  Which is is LOVING.  She gets to boss around mom?  She was all over that! And she's done a great job of it. 

Other updates of our family-

Joey got to buy a "new" truck.  With the babies coming our poor, little Malibu just isn't going to cut it anymore.  My poor boo.  I bought her way back before Joey and I got married, but it's time to move on.  And Joe is in truck heaven!  We bought a Suburban, man that thing is HUGE!  Enough room for all of us and two strollers, plus more. It will be a great truck for hauling the kids around, especially in the winter.

Grace has started "summer" school.  Still at St. Jeromes, but it is a much more laid-back environment, with lots of fun activities and field trips.  She gets to bring her bike to school once a week and has already gone to Chuck E Cheese and had a reptile man visit her at school.  She is still in her "Hot Shots" gymnastics class and loving it.  She is soo strong-she can already do THREE chin-ups....this momma can't even do one.  Probably why I am so darn impressed!:)

Megan, oh my sweet Meggie.  She is at her last day of Susie's house.  Susie is our wonderful daycare provider.  We were hoping to send the baby there, yes I said baby, because she could only handle the influx of one more baby and with it being twins we have to figure out other childcare (or more like figure out how mom is going to work and not sleep so much!).  So, today is it.  And in two weeks she gets to start "school".  She will be going with Grace.  Oh my, they are both so excited.  Megs to start school, Grace to get to tell her what to do and when to do it!  And she turns 3 next week. My, time has flown.  She seriously is my baby any more....she's a "big, potty-trained girl" as she told Joe this morning.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5x7 Folded Card

Dots Raspberry Multi 5x7 folded card
Create cute birthday cards, valentines and more at
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Thoughts

I have a couple of other blog topics that I have started, but I haven't been able to finish them to a point that I am satisfied with.  So, this blog is about the random thoughts that go through my mind-usually at 3am. 

*I need to get rid of my tape measure. It is doing nothing for me. I measure the width of my belly on a regular basis.  Now, I am a reasonable-minded person, one educated in the medical field. So, I understand the need to gain weight.  Even read something on the other day that says when pregnant with twins you should gain 24 lbs by 24 weeks to help reduce the risk of pre-term labor and delivery.  But, man, this is not an easy process.  Every single day I feel like my belly gets bigger.  And, its not just me.  Joe notices it (and comments, which you would think he would know better:)).  So, I started measuring it.  Stupidity in it's finest.  And for those curious souls, it's growing 1 inch every 3 or 4 days right now....and no I am not going to document what the current measurement is.  I need to get over it.  But, now it's like an obsession.  Did it grow from last night to this morning?  Does it get smaller after I do my exercises from physical therapy?  Is it bigger after I eat a big meal? Seriously, ugh.  So, I need to just get rid of the damn thing.  But, just so you know...I won't.

*I am quickly becoming obsessed with the Casey Anthony murder trial. Even as I type this I have Court TV on and they are analyzing and discussing the trial from the beginning.  It is such a sad trial.  Little Caylee Anthony was born only a couple of months earlier than my Gracie.  I just can't even imagine being in this position. I truly believe that your actions and behaviors can and will set you free.  My personal opinion is that Casey Anthony is guilty.  She did a lot of crazy things that doesn't sit right with me as a mom of a child that exact same age.  With all of that said, it's not really something that I should be spending so much time on!:)  But, it's like a car accident you can't help looking at combined with a real life soap opera.  Sooooo addicting!

*I can now understand how people take such a back seat to their medical care.  How people have no idea what medications they are taking.  When we admit a patient we have to reconcile their current medication regimen.  If we are lucky they are Healthpartners patients and we have a list to work off of already in the computer. You ask them do you take this med? Their response?  "Is that the little pink one? I take a little pink one with breakfast and before bed."  I would just look at them and shake my head.  Thinking to myself, how do you not know?  Well, now I get it.  I am probably 15-20 meds into this whole pregnancy.  From blood pressure to nausea to vitamins to headaches.  At the beginning I had a good grip of what I was being prescribed, as a lot of the meds I was given were things that I routinely give to my patients in the hospital.  Then, I started having problems outside of my comfort zone.  And, I seriously have wanted to give up at some points.  Its almost like a full-time job to keep up with all of it.  Why I am taking things, are they compatible, what are the side effects.  So, now I get it.  When my patients tell me the little pink pill, I am going to look at them with sympathy, not with a lack of understanding.  These poor people.

*These women on the Real Housewives Shows?  How did they get these shows? And why am I watching them?  For every show, there is maybe, MAYBE one reasonable woman who is actually a housewife.  The one good thing about them is they constantly remind me money doesn't buy happiness, class or personality.  I am not going to lie though, I will keep watching them and appreciating the train wrecks for what they are!

*I don't know if I am going to actually believe that we are having two boys until they are physically out of my body.  I still think it is one of each. I know that it is probably just my stubborn streak and the fact that I hate being wrong making me think this is.  Its not a reasonable thought process.  I am so worried about it though that I am refusing to the take tags off of things I bought or wash anything new for the babies.  I have another ultrasound at the end of this month, maybe this time they will reveal themselves like Baby Mullaney did and I won't have to worry anymore about this!

*One of the things I am dreading most as this pregnancy progresses?  Not being able to go to the MN State Fair.  I am not kidding and only people who have gone to this awesome event before can even remotely understand how crippling this fear can become.  Best case scenario right now is that I ride around the grounds on one of those electric wheelchair, Hover-round things you can rent.  But, I have to be realistic, I am probably going to be on strict orders to lay on my back with my legs up in the air and crossed 23 hours a day and only allowed 10 steps in a day.  Which kind of rules out enjoying all that is the State Fair.  My fear of missing it is great that I have already started mapping out a route for Joey to take to bring me food home.  Based on my favorites and how fresh it needs to be when it gets to me.  This is not a joke!  Luckily my sister understands just how important this task will be for him and has helped me make sure my list of goodies is complete.  If only my due date was just a little bit earlier, I could totally go to the Fair and walk myself into labor.  What a great way to end a pregnancy-stuffing my face with all that deep-fried goodness while playing State Fair bingo.  It would probably go down as the greatest day in my life!:)

So there you have it. Some of the random stuff that crosses my mind while laying in bed waiting to go back to sleep. I didn't include my worrying and what have can get so extensive I figured why not save all of that for it's very only blog when and if I need to get all of it out of my head and onto paper. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Alright, I did one happy post....that's all you're getting for a while!  Ok, maybe not, I can't be sure.  One of the benefits of being pregnant, I can pretty much do whatever I want and no one will say anything to me.   All I have to do is blame the hormones;)

Today was not an easy day.  I just wanted to run a couple of errands.   Joe was finishing up "the move" to the basement and the girls had been driving him nuts.  I mean, they are definitely trying to be helpful, but they are 2 and just doesn't work!  I even picked up awesome Auntie Annie.  She is very patient with the girls and they are more than willing to listen to her.  I just needed to get to both Cub and Rainbow and then try to visit Home Depot to get the paint for the nursery so that Joe doesn't lose his momentum.  Annie even offered to help at the park so the girls could enjoy the sun for a little bit.  We were able to get everything done, but boy, did it take all I had to get through our last destination, Rainbow.  Then, to top it off, I twisted and cut up my ankle on a stupid Rubbermaid bin full of Christmas stuff trying to put away a few frozen things in the basement.  So, now I am crabby.  Crabby about all the things that I can't do any more.  This may be news to some-but I hate, absolutely hate being told I can't do something.  My mentality is, you think I can't?  Just watch and see me do it....kind of backfired when I was young and hung out with stupid people, but has pretty much served me well.  My stubborn streak doesn't help either, oh and my hatred of failure.  That combo, well it makes all these can't dos a huge thorn in my side.  So, I am wallowing in self-pity today.  Because I can, because I'm pregnant and that means I can! So here, it goes....

1. Walking-something so basic, yet the backbone to almost everything that is to come.  Why does walking have to be so difficult?  I am only 21 weeks pregnant yet I can't tolerate a simple trip to the grocery store without feeling like I have ran a marathon.  Dislike

2.  Working out-I just want to go to the gym and work out.  I want to run so hard and so fast and so long that I can't think about anything else except my next step.  I want to sweat. Not sweat because my hormones have changed my temperature regulation and its 90 degrees outside, sweat because I am making my body work.  Dislike

3. Working-Honestly never thought I would miss working.  My preference in life would be to stay home with the kiddos-especially with them as young as they are.  But, that isn't the adult, responsible thing to do in our family.  So, I work.  But, now that people are telling me I can't work....I want to.  Read my first paragraph for a better understanding of that thought process.  Plus, I really, really miss it.  I miss my friends, I miss my patients, I miss making a difference in someone's life every single day, I miss feeling needed and valued.  I have worked at Regions for 10 years this July, for the same unit.  That's a long time and it has become a huge part of my life and who I am.....and just like that it was taken away from me.  Dislike

4. Feeling pretty-Joe, the only person I really ever want to make happy is still happy with me so I know I shouldn't care so much.  But, I do care (remember-I'm pregnant-so I can),  I am vain.  I want to look in the mirror and see pretty and sexy and beautiful.  Not so much right now.  I have actually decided I am going to start measuring my belly every day because I swear that thing grows daily.  I waddle when I work-not attractive.  My boobies are ginormous and they hurt and seriously they didn't really need to get any bigger, I was fine with them before pregnancy.  And stretch marks-already?  21 weeks and they are already appearing?  What the hell is this body going to look like in a couple more months.  I just keep in mind that Mike and Molly's wedding is next April and so I have a huge motivator to be back to my "normal" self. Dislike

5. Date Night-goes along with feeling pretty.  And making time for Joe and I to have alone time together.  With so many things on, with our (really Joe's) to do list getting longer every day, those nights are a distant memory of pre-pregnancy.  I want to lay the kids down and do nothing but spend time with him, talking, laughing, making inside jokes.  I miss date night.  Dislike

6. Doing stuff with the kids-the whole not walking thing has made it hard for us to do all of our favorites.  Going to the zoo, walking to the park, spending a day at the beach.  All of those things require just too much exertion from this worn-out body.  I can't even put poor Megs in gymnastics this summer because it's a mom and me class.  It makes me feel bad-like my girls are being deprived because of this.  I know that  they are and will be fine.  They have lots of fun stuff to to do this summer and will stay busy, but I know that they are missing out on things and that's all it takes for me to feel like a bad momma.  Dislike

7.  Gardening-again, to be out in the sun and work so hard that you take a cold shower and crash into your bed sounds like a lovely, wonderful thing to me.  I love flowers-picking them out, shopping at the local nursery, deciding where to plant them, digging in the dirt and making an ugly space beautiful, all things I love.  And I can't do it.  Dislike

8. Bending over-probably should have been higher on this list, but I just thought of it when I was thinking about missing the garden.  One of the reasons I can't do it is because I can't bend over.  Shit, I can't even cut or paint my own toes nails.  21 weeks-that is all I have to say.  Again, poor Joe has volunteered to be my pedicurist this summer.  Luckily he's not half bad at nail-painting:) 

Okay, I am done.  Still crabby, but feeling *a little* bit better about all of this.  I just keep telling myself that this is a temporary situation.  And the end result?  Two healthy, little baby boys?  Totally worth the journey! Especially the healthy part, so I will go without this summer.  Oh, and it doesn't hurt that this is the last time my poor body will ever, ever be pregnant again....Joe and I are going to make sure of I keep telling myself I have a lifetime of gardening and working a head of me.  Let's hope that is enough to keep me sane through this summer....... 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Thoughts

After re-reading my last couple of posts I realized they were sounding kind of negative.  Now, don't get me wrong-this hasn't been an easy couple of months with everything going on.  Being so sick, adjusting to my decreased activity and mobility, and just being pregnant in general.  But, there are lots of great things that have sprouted up in the meantime.  Many are specifically related to this pregnancy, some are just so awesome that they have made my day! And I need to imprint this somewhere permanently.  So, when I am frustrated with this whole process I have something, in writing that makes me smile!

1.  Laundry-or the lack there of!  When we discovered that it was twins one of the first things my sweet hubby said to me was no more laundry!  For a while there I was still "helping", I would throw a load in, switch things out, etc.  But, he very nicely informed me to basically mind my own business:)  It's easier for him to have the process be in his control.  And, who am I to argue with that?  Because the fact is, once these babies come, laundry will be back on my daily list of things to do. Especially with two babies.  For such little creatures they seem to create huge messes with even bigger amounts of laundry to keep up with.  So, I am enjoying this break from washing and drying and folding and putting away clothes.  I don't even look in the laundry room any more when I am in the basement.  Ahhh, its been such a refreshing change of pace.

2. Reading-One of my all-time favorite past-times.  I love to read.  Fiction, non-fiction, autobiographies, mysteries, love stories, self-help, baby books, books that are made into movies, you name and I will read it.  And since being on "restriction" as I have started calling it, I have re-found my love and appreciation for our local libraries.  I had been taking the girls there, but our visits were sporadic at best.  Not any more.  We are there every three weeks, if not more.  I love the library.  And it's perfect for me:)  The kids have any area I feel comfortable letting them roam, there's lots of chairs to sit down in as I decide which titles I want to bring home with me and it's free. I feel like I am 10 or 11 years old again.  Mom would bring us to the library once a week faithfully and I would check out 20, 30 books.  I could read all day-sometimes finishing 2 or 3 books in one day.  And I could read late into the night-again something I get to re-visit with these "restrictions".  Since I lay around so much, I nap-more than I would even like, so I spend alot time awake at night.  And I spend those quiet hours reading.  I have a bad habit of starting a book and not being able to put it down til the end.  I have to know how it ends!  And, now I have the luxury of being able to do that again.

3. Shutterfly-Ok, so some people may know that I have a slight obsession with this website/business.  But, don't knock it til you've tried it.  I have always loved using their different services, but it has become kind of a passion of mine lately.  See, it all started a couple of Christmases ago.  My step-mom, Gail, made us these awesome photo books with pictures from our childhood (again, I have to say Thank You Gail!!). Grace loved looking through it and hearing stories of my childhood.  It made me start thinking about how cool it would be for the girls (and now boys:)) to have the same thing when they get older to share with their kids. I made it a personal goal of mine to make a photobook that could be birthday present every year that documented the last year of their lives.  I am only one year in, but so far I have stuck with it! Right now, I am creating Megan's book about being a two year old.  And let me tell you, it is going to be amazing.  First of all, I have spent hours upon hours on it, add in the fact that Shutterfly keeps improving their features, and well let's just say I am having a lot of fun with it!  I have even started organizing the pictures for Grace's book.  But, they also have lots of other great stuff.  My other personal favorite is their cards.  They have them for every occasion and you can personalize them with pictures and your own words.  And I am linked up with a few websites that always have codes for free cards.  That's the other fun thing about Shutterfly, trying to get the stuff as cheap as possible.  There is always free shipping codes floating on the Internet and coupon websites.  And they send out really good coupons when you buy stuff.  Add that to the free stuff you can get through the Pampers Gifts to Grow program and I have gotten photo books and cards for completely free.  I am even already picking out birth announcements for the twins-again Pampers has those as a free gift!  How could I not get obsessed with this? Two of my favorite things-free stuff and pictures combined?  Awesome!

4.Blogging-This has become such a great outlet for me.  I love that I am back into the writing game.  I love that am able to find time to keep it up so far.  And the more I do it, the more I miss it when I am not writing, which is only a good thing.  Pretty soon, I will need to do it and that is exactly what I wanted it to become.

5.Potty-training-Before my "restrictions" became modified or strict bedrest I decided it was time to get Miss Megan out of diapers and into underwear.  And, we did it!  WOOHOO!  Sams Club trips now are absent of buying diapers!  Amazing!  And she is doing wonderfully.  She goes all by herself, she doesn't need prompting, this girl is ready to start at St. Jeromes with her sissy next month.  Which is a good thing, because when we drop Grace off now she doesn't want to leave!:)  That place is pretty awesome-I can see why see wants to stay!

6.Bejeweled-Ok, so this is a new addiction.  I had to get a new phone last week.  While shopping through apps I found bejeweled.  Oh, sweet bejeweled.  A game I wasted so many hours on before kids and nursing school. I had forgotten how amazing you were!  There it was, just waiting for me to play it again.  So, I am and it is sa-weet!

7.Craigslist-I have to note just how many of my happy things are associated with the computer....what would I be doing without this awesome invention during this period of imposed laziness....hmmm.....I am really glad I don't have to figure that out! So, craigslist.  Let me back up and say that when we first started having kids we would only buy new stuff.  I would shop sales, use coupons, etc to get better deals, but I wanted new.  Well, not this time around mister.  No way.  I am now an experienced mommy who knows how fast you move through all the crap you *think*  you need for lil babes.  And now we need everything times two?  Yep, these poor boys will be in used equipment.  Alas, my love for craigslist.  Especially the free section.  People give baby stuff away for free all the time.  Which I totally understand, you get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff and you just want it out!  No problem, send it this way! I will take your free stuff!  And, they have an awesome garage sale section.  Again-practically giving baby stuff away!  This time around my goal is to see how little money I can spend to outfit my baby boys with all the sweetest toys.  Thank you Craigslist!

8.  TV show marathons-thank you DVR and Netflix.  While I haven't had as many of these as of late, but those darn doctors will be giving me more and more "restrictions" and I know these will become an integral part of my day.  There is something so much more interesting and mind-numbing as watching the season of a show in 3 or 4 hours versus watching one show at a time. 

9.  Enjoying the summer-or this crazy weather, whatever it should be called.  The good thing about the outdoors is that you don't actually have to do anything to have a good time out there.  I am perfectly content lounging in my chaise lounge watching the girls splash in their little pool.  Even though I when I am working, I only work part-time it always seemed inevitable that I worked on the most beautiful days.  There is no worry of that now-a-days.  I wake up and it's a nice day?  I get to be outside.  And again, Joey has really stepped up to the plate.  He planted all of my flowers this spring.  He could have easily passed that chore up and I would have totally understood.  It's an extra that I truly enjoy, but to expect him to complete that task on top of everything else?  Well, that just didn't seem fair.  But, he did it.  And, now I get to lay in my backyard and enjoy all the beauty around me, with no worry of the work behind it.  This has been a hard concept for me grasp! 

10.  My marriage- So, as any married person knows marriage has its ups and downs.  Life is hard and it is very easy to get wrapped up in the minute details of daily life.  Paying bills, cleaning up, getting kids to and from school and activities-all that daily grind.  This pregnancy has really made Joe and I re-examine our roles in our life and marriage.  I have had to take a back to seat to him and he has really had to step up  and take on responsibilities that have never been on his plate before.  I have been so proud of him.  He has done so with basically no complaining.  Even when I could see the stress in his eyes he kept it away from me.  I would overhear him venting to family members and would ask him about it.  His only response?  Don't worry about it.  Your only job is to stay as healthy as possible and take care of my babies.  Amazing.  We just celebrated nine years of marriage on Thursday. And I feel lucky that I picked such a great man to walk this journey of life with.  He is a great partner and an even better daddy.  By the way-the funniest part of this anniversary?  We both forgot what day it was until my mom reminded me at like 2pm that day.  I am still laughing about the moment I realized neither one of us remembered!  I went to CVS right after leaving my mom and got a card.  Joe opened and started reading it, when he got to the part of about Happy Anniversary, I saw him look up at the calendar, back at the card and then at me.  I couldn't even keep a straight face.  The look of horror told me that he was just realizing what the day was.  I had to tell him it was okay, that we had both forgotten!  I actually think this was a much better way to spend the day.  Now we will never forget our 9th anniversary.

So, there you have it.  So many reasons to be happy and enjoying my life right now.  Even if I can't do all the stuff I am used to, that is okay.  When, ever again will I be told to be lazy?  With 4 kids, probably not until retirement age and then I will hopefully have a gangle of grandkids to keep me busy and entertained.  So, I am going to shutterfly it away and put together photo albums and read stacks of books.  Once my little men arrive all of those things will just be a faint memory of days long ago!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Not My Cup of Tea

This whole being pregnant thing, it just isn't for me.  For whatever reason my body doesn't like being in this state. Don't get  me wrong there are things I love about it-feeling the babies move around, bonding with them for months before anyone else gets to meet them, having license to eat ice cream every day if I want to.  But, to be quite honest that is about it.  I don't feel more alive.  I don't powerful. I don't feel amazing.  And, I have had other women tell me those are their experiences with pregnancy.  Me-not so lucky. This has been the longest four months of my life.  I found out I was  pregnant and within a week I was miserable.  It has not gone away since.  The problems have differed, some have gone away, some have improved.  But, I have had problems ever since.  My doctors, or one of them at least attributed all my problems initially to fact that I was pregnant with twins.  So, my nausea and tiredness were increased.  Then my blood pressure sky-rocketed.  And, ever since then it feels like it has been  downhill from there.  While my blood pressure has greatly improved since April, thanks to medication, it was a scary month or so while we got that adjusted to a therapeutic level.  Probably one of the worst moments of all of this was trying to explain to my poor husband the warning signs of a stroke.  The man tries to stay away from all that is medical and here I am quizzing him...and I couldn't even do that so well because my brain felt so foggy. We were worried.   Worried about me living, worried about the babies living, worried about something happening that would be life-changing.  And I was worried that I would remain in that state for the rest of this pregnancy.  Luckily, I have gotten better-in that area.  But, there have been more problems.  A major sinus infection that landed me in the ER twice before it was treated.  Headaches that were only being relieved with heavy duty drugs.  That has changed over to another non-scary drug, but it still inhibits me from working safely.  And, now the latest problem?  There is concern over the strength of my abdominal muscles and ligaments.  Standing is becoming more and more  painful.  I actually have to attend OB physical therapy.  Didn't even know such a thing existed.  I had been so hopeful a couple of weeks ago that I would be released back to work.  But, my doctor shot that hope down real fast.  To sum it up? They don't like my job.  I mean, they have respect for it.  Understand the demands and because of that, they don't like the idea of me doing it....even part-time.  So, its not a matter of when I will be put on restriction-I am already there.  Now its a matter of what they will allow me to  do.  Every doctor's visit they restrict me a little bit more.  And every appointment I leave swearing up and down that I am not coming back for  a while.   The reasonable, educated person inside doesn't allow me to cancel said appointments (that have been scheduled weekly since April).  But, one of these days I would love to do it.  Not working just gives me more worries and more time to worry about said worries.  Thankfully, Joe is on board.  He really just wants all three of us to stay healthy, so whatever we need to do, we just do it. Or should I say, he just does it!:)  And since they keep restricting me more and more I have to come up with things to do. Because, this is driving me crazy!  I have a feeling Netflix and the computer are going to get a lot of use over the next couple of months!