Friday, July 8, 2011

My two cents, which is actually worth even less than that

I am going to weigh in on this whole Casey Anthony trial and verdict.  I have read many an opinion on this trial and what happened, what people think/know and what they don't.  The truth is I watched a lot of the trial.  Let me preface this by saying this isn't the first trial I have watched on TV.  Way back in the day I wanted to be a lawyer and so the judicial process interests me.  Usually Court TV (or now True TV....which actually is stupid because most of their shows are staged...don't get me started) covers the big, sensational stories.  And they are the ones that suck people....okay,  But, with the change in my working and moving around status, this trial gave me something "to do". 

Ok, here's how I see it.  Those jurors got it all wrong.  But, its not really their fault.  It is our system's fault.  After the verdict was read  I was listening to some "experts" about what went wrong.  And there was a guy on there that made a good point.  Our judicial system is set-up so that innocent people have a very good shot of staying that way, but in the process guilty people walk away without punishment a good portion of the time.  It doesn't help that the idea of "reasonable doubt" has been used by defense lawyers to their and their client's benefits.  How did one person put has changed from reasonable doubt to a reason to doubt. 

Casey Anthony is guilty of her daughter's death.  I don't need someone to lay out exactly what happened step-by-step.  And  I don't understand why that is needed.  She (and other criminals) are rewarded for being a good criminal.  They don't leave enough or decent evidence, they walk away unpunished.  But, how does a mom live her life for 31 days, one whole month without thinking to say something about her daughter missing.  The way I see it, EVEN if things went down the way she and her defense team say they did, she is guilty.  That is, if poor Caylee drowned accidentally and then she covered it up....she needs to rot in jail.  Her baby deserved better than that.  But, I think that most people would agree that is not what happened.  Because Casey Anthony is socio-pathic.  She lies, lies to protect herself.  She only cried during her trial when people on the stand were speaking sympathetically of her and her situation.  Not when Caylee was discussed, not when her alleged sexual abuse was brought up, not when every single member of her immediate family was sobbing.  Nope, nothing.  Actually she could be seen smirking or looking irritated by them.  If she was so grief-stricken, why did her team have to put a grief expert on the stand that had NEVER EVEN interviewed her? 

Our judicial system isn't set-up to reap justice for the victims of horrible, heinous crimes such as these.  Poor Caylee was totally forgotten in most of this.  Lawyers agruing over whether jurors should be able to smell the can that held the "death smell" or whether scientists and specialists had marked evidence in correctly.  That's what the trial came down to.  There was nothing about Caylee in there. 

So, a mother who caused her daughter to not be on this earth any more walks free.  Again, I don't need someone to do a play-by-play of how she died.  But, I have a great belief in  common sense and common sense says her mother caused that death.  Otherwise her mother would have been out of her mind trying to find her and make sure she was okay.  Not lying about a nanny or her job or out getting a tattoo or dancing at night clubs.  I can say this with the utmost certainty because I too am a mom.  And, the very idea of one of my kids being  "taken by the nanny", of not being exactly where they are suppose to be, makes my heart stop and my breath go away.  I would be ravaged with pain and guilt and sorrow.  My whole life would become focused on them and trying to get them back to me.  That's how I know Casey Anthony is guilty. 

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