I have a couple of other blog topics that I have started, but I haven't been able to finish them to a point that I am satisfied with. So, this blog is about the random thoughts that go through my mind-usually at 3am.
*I need to get rid of my tape measure. It is doing nothing for me. I measure the width of my belly on a regular basis. Now, I am a reasonable-minded person, one educated in the medical field. So, I understand the need to gain weight. Even read something on mayoclinic.com the other day that says when pregnant with twins you should gain 24 lbs by 24 weeks to help reduce the risk of pre-term labor and delivery. But, man, this is not an easy process. Every single day I feel like my belly gets bigger. And, its not just me. Joe notices it (and comments, which you would think he would know better:)). So, I started measuring it. Stupidity in it's finest. And for those curious souls, it's growing 1 inch every 3 or 4 days right now....and no I am not going to document what the current measurement is. I need to get over it. But, now it's like an obsession. Did it grow from last night to this morning? Does it get smaller after I do my exercises from physical therapy? Is it bigger after I eat a big meal? Seriously, ugh. So, I need to just get rid of the damn thing. But, just so you know...I won't.
*I am quickly becoming obsessed with the Casey Anthony murder trial. Even as I type this I have Court TV on and they are analyzing and discussing the trial from the beginning. It is such a sad trial. Little Caylee Anthony was born only a couple of months earlier than my Gracie. I just can't even imagine being in this position. I truly believe that your actions and behaviors can and will set you free. My personal opinion is that Casey Anthony is guilty. She did a lot of crazy things that doesn't sit right with me as a mom of a child that exact same age. With all of that said, it's not really something that I should be spending so much time on!:) But, it's like a car accident you can't help looking at combined with a real life soap opera. Sooooo addicting!
*I can now understand how people take such a back seat to their medical care. How people have no idea what medications they are taking. When we admit a patient we have to reconcile their current medication regimen. If we are lucky they are Healthpartners patients and we have a list to work off of already in the computer. You ask them do you take this med? Their response? "Is that the little pink one? I take a little pink one with breakfast and before bed." I would just look at them and shake my head. Thinking to myself, how do you not know? Well, now I get it. I am probably 15-20 meds into this whole pregnancy. From blood pressure to nausea to vitamins to headaches. At the beginning I had a good grip of what I was being prescribed, as a lot of the meds I was given were things that I routinely give to my patients in the hospital. Then, I started having problems outside of my comfort zone. And, I seriously have wanted to give up at some points. Its almost like a full-time job to keep up with all of it. Why I am taking things, are they compatible, what are the side effects. So, now I get it. When my patients tell me the little pink pill, I am going to look at them with sympathy, not with a lack of understanding. These poor people.
*These women on the Real Housewives Shows? How did they get these shows? And why am I watching them? For every show, there is maybe, MAYBE one reasonable woman who is actually a housewife. The one good thing about them is they constantly remind me money doesn't buy happiness, class or personality. I am not going to lie though, I will keep watching them and appreciating the train wrecks for what they are!
*I don't know if I am going to actually believe that we are having two boys until they are physically out of my body. I still think it is one of each. I know that it is probably just my stubborn streak and the fact that I hate being wrong making me think this is. Its not a reasonable thought process. I am so worried about it though that I am refusing to the take tags off of things I bought or wash anything new for the babies. I have another ultrasound at the end of this month, maybe this time they will reveal themselves like Baby Mullaney did and I won't have to worry anymore about this!
*One of the things I am dreading most as this pregnancy progresses? Not being able to go to the MN State Fair. I am not kidding and only people who have gone to this awesome event before can even remotely understand how crippling this fear can become. Best case scenario right now is that I ride around the grounds on one of those electric wheelchair, Hover-round things you can rent. But, I have to be realistic, I am probably going to be on strict orders to lay on my back with my legs up in the air and crossed 23 hours a day and only allowed 10 steps in a day. Which kind of rules out enjoying all that is the State Fair. My fear of missing it is great that I have already started mapping out a route for Joey to take to bring me food home. Based on my favorites and how fresh it needs to be when it gets to me. This is not a joke! Luckily my sister understands just how important this task will be for him and has helped me make sure my list of goodies is complete. If only my due date was just a little bit earlier, I could totally go to the Fair and walk myself into labor. What a great way to end a pregnancy-stuffing my face with all that deep-fried goodness while playing State Fair bingo. It would probably go down as the greatest day in my life!:)
So there you have it. Some of the random stuff that crosses my mind while laying in bed waiting to go back to sleep. I didn't include my worrying and what have you...it can get so extensive I figured why not save all of that for it's very only blog when and if I need to get all of it out of my head and onto paper.
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