Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Thoughts

After re-reading my last couple of posts I realized they were sounding kind of negative.  Now, don't get me wrong-this hasn't been an easy couple of months with everything going on.  Being so sick, adjusting to my decreased activity and mobility, and just being pregnant in general.  But, there are lots of great things that have sprouted up in the meantime.  Many are specifically related to this pregnancy, some are just so awesome that they have made my day! And I need to imprint this somewhere permanently.  So, when I am frustrated with this whole process I have something, in writing that makes me smile!

1.  Laundry-or the lack there of!  When we discovered that it was twins one of the first things my sweet hubby said to me was no more laundry!  For a while there I was still "helping", I would throw a load in, switch things out, etc.  But, he very nicely informed me to basically mind my own business:)  It's easier for him to have the process be in his control.  And, who am I to argue with that?  Because the fact is, once these babies come, laundry will be back on my daily list of things to do. Especially with two babies.  For such little creatures they seem to create huge messes with even bigger amounts of laundry to keep up with.  So, I am enjoying this break from washing and drying and folding and putting away clothes.  I don't even look in the laundry room any more when I am in the basement.  Ahhh, its been such a refreshing change of pace.

2. Reading-One of my all-time favorite past-times.  I love to read.  Fiction, non-fiction, autobiographies, mysteries, love stories, self-help, baby books, books that are made into movies, you name and I will read it.  And since being on "restriction" as I have started calling it, I have re-found my love and appreciation for our local libraries.  I had been taking the girls there, but our visits were sporadic at best.  Not any more.  We are there every three weeks, if not more.  I love the library.  And it's perfect for me:)  The kids have any area I feel comfortable letting them roam, there's lots of chairs to sit down in as I decide which titles I want to bring home with me and it's free. I feel like I am 10 or 11 years old again.  Mom would bring us to the library once a week faithfully and I would check out 20, 30 books.  I could read all day-sometimes finishing 2 or 3 books in one day.  And I could read late into the night-again something I get to re-visit with these "restrictions".  Since I lay around so much, I nap-more than I would even like, so I spend alot time awake at night.  And I spend those quiet hours reading.  I have a bad habit of starting a book and not being able to put it down til the end.  I have to know how it ends!  And, now I have the luxury of being able to do that again.

3. Shutterfly-Ok, so some people may know that I have a slight obsession with this website/business.  But, don't knock it til you've tried it.  I have always loved using their different services, but it has become kind of a passion of mine lately.  See, it all started a couple of Christmases ago.  My step-mom, Gail, made us these awesome photo books with pictures from our childhood (again, I have to say Thank You Gail!!). Grace loved looking through it and hearing stories of my childhood.  It made me start thinking about how cool it would be for the girls (and now boys:)) to have the same thing when they get older to share with their kids. I made it a personal goal of mine to make a photobook that could be birthday present every year that documented the last year of their lives.  I am only one year in, but so far I have stuck with it! Right now, I am creating Megan's book about being a two year old.  And let me tell you, it is going to be amazing.  First of all, I have spent hours upon hours on it, add in the fact that Shutterfly keeps improving their features, and well let's just say I am having a lot of fun with it!  I have even started organizing the pictures for Grace's book.  But, they also have lots of other great stuff.  My other personal favorite is their cards.  They have them for every occasion and you can personalize them with pictures and your own words.  And I am linked up with a few websites that always have codes for free cards.  That's the other fun thing about Shutterfly, trying to get the stuff as cheap as possible.  There is always free shipping codes floating on the Internet and coupon websites.  And they send out really good coupons when you buy stuff.  Add that to the free stuff you can get through the Pampers Gifts to Grow program and I have gotten photo books and cards for completely free.  I am even already picking out birth announcements for the twins-again Pampers has those as a free gift!  How could I not get obsessed with this? Two of my favorite things-free stuff and pictures combined?  Awesome!

4.Blogging-This has become such a great outlet for me.  I love that I am back into the writing game.  I love that am able to find time to keep it up so far.  And the more I do it, the more I miss it when I am not writing, which is only a good thing.  Pretty soon, I will need to do it and that is exactly what I wanted it to become.

5.Potty-training-Before my "restrictions" became modified or strict bedrest I decided it was time to get Miss Megan out of diapers and into underwear.  And, we did it!  WOOHOO!  Sams Club trips now are absent of buying diapers!  Amazing!  And she is doing wonderfully.  She goes all by herself, she doesn't need prompting, this girl is ready to start at St. Jeromes with her sissy next month.  Which is a good thing, because when we drop Grace off now she doesn't want to leave!:)  That place is pretty awesome-I can see why see wants to stay!

6.Bejeweled-Ok, so this is a new addiction.  I had to get a new phone last week.  While shopping through apps I found bejeweled.  Oh, sweet bejeweled.  A game I wasted so many hours on before kids and nursing school. I had forgotten how amazing you were!  There it was, just waiting for me to play it again.  So, I am and it is sa-weet!

7.Craigslist-I have to note just how many of my happy things are associated with the computer....what would I be doing without this awesome invention during this period of imposed laziness....hmmm.....I am really glad I don't have to figure that out! So, craigslist.  Let me back up and say that when we first started having kids we would only buy new stuff.  I would shop sales, use coupons, etc to get better deals, but I wanted new.  Well, not this time around mister.  No way.  I am now an experienced mommy who knows how fast you move through all the crap you *think*  you need for lil babes.  And now we need everything times two?  Yep, these poor boys will be in used equipment.  Alas, my love for craigslist.  Especially the free section.  People give baby stuff away for free all the time.  Which I totally understand, you get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff and you just want it out!  No problem, send it this way! I will take your free stuff!  And, they have an awesome garage sale section.  Again-practically giving baby stuff away!  This time around my goal is to see how little money I can spend to outfit my baby boys with all the sweetest toys.  Thank you Craigslist!

8.  TV show marathons-thank you DVR and Netflix.  While I haven't had as many of these as of late, but those darn doctors will be giving me more and more "restrictions" and I know these will become an integral part of my day.  There is something so much more interesting and mind-numbing as watching the season of a show in 3 or 4 hours versus watching one show at a time. 

9.  Enjoying the summer-or this crazy weather, whatever it should be called.  The good thing about the outdoors is that you don't actually have to do anything to have a good time out there.  I am perfectly content lounging in my chaise lounge watching the girls splash in their little pool.  Even though I when I am working, I only work part-time it always seemed inevitable that I worked on the most beautiful days.  There is no worry of that now-a-days.  I wake up and it's a nice day?  I get to be outside.  And again, Joey has really stepped up to the plate.  He planted all of my flowers this spring.  He could have easily passed that chore up and I would have totally understood.  It's an extra that I truly enjoy, but to expect him to complete that task on top of everything else?  Well, that just didn't seem fair.  But, he did it.  And, now I get to lay in my backyard and enjoy all the beauty around me, with no worry of the work behind it.  This has been a hard concept for me grasp! 

10.  My marriage- So, as any married person knows marriage has its ups and downs.  Life is hard and it is very easy to get wrapped up in the minute details of daily life.  Paying bills, cleaning up, getting kids to and from school and activities-all that daily grind.  This pregnancy has really made Joe and I re-examine our roles in our life and marriage.  I have had to take a back to seat to him and he has really had to step up  and take on responsibilities that have never been on his plate before.  I have been so proud of him.  He has done so with basically no complaining.  Even when I could see the stress in his eyes he kept it away from me.  I would overhear him venting to family members and would ask him about it.  His only response?  Don't worry about it.  Your only job is to stay as healthy as possible and take care of my babies.  Amazing.  We just celebrated nine years of marriage on Thursday. And I feel lucky that I picked such a great man to walk this journey of life with.  He is a great partner and an even better daddy.  By the way-the funniest part of this anniversary?  We both forgot what day it was until my mom reminded me at like 2pm that day.  I am still laughing about the moment I realized neither one of us remembered!  I went to CVS right after leaving my mom and got a card.  Joe opened and started reading it, when he got to the part of about Happy Anniversary, I saw him look up at the calendar, back at the card and then at me.  I couldn't even keep a straight face.  The look of horror told me that he was just realizing what the day was.  I had to tell him it was okay, that we had both forgotten!  I actually think this was a much better way to spend the day.  Now we will never forget our 9th anniversary.

So, there you have it.  So many reasons to be happy and enjoying my life right now.  Even if I can't do all the stuff I am used to, that is okay.  When, ever again will I be told to be lazy?  With 4 kids, probably not until retirement age and then I will hopefully have a gangle of grandkids to keep me busy and entertained.  So, I am going to shutterfly it away and put together photo albums and read stacks of books.  Once my little men arrive all of those things will just be a faint memory of days long ago!

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