Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday Fives

I am stealing this idea from a friend who also blogs (and is much more diligent about it then I).  On Fridays Tracy posts five interesting lil facts about one of her kiddos.  It's one of my favorite blogs that she does because those tidbits always get me to smile if not laugh! Since I am not as diligent as she is about this whole blogging thing I decided that I am just going to do five facts about each kiddo in this blog. If I ever become more "on the ball" maybe then I will only do one kid at a time, but let's be realistic....when is that ever going to happen?!

1. She is really, really good at guitar.  She can play songs without even looking at the strings the majority of the time. 
2. She can get up on stage at her dance recital in front of hundreds of people and put on a show, she memorized four lines and nailed them at the mass put on by her kindergarten class a couple of weeks ago, but the child will not go upstairs by herself out of fear or ogres.  Yep, she's afraid Shrek is in the bathroom.
3.Every major holiday that comes and goes she creates a "show" of some type.  Last Christmas she even made her cousins wear reindeer antlers while she sang to the family.
4.She is afraid of swimming.
5.But she's not afraid of horses even though last summer she fell off the first one she had ever been on and broke her arm in 2 places.  So not afraid of them that she wants to do a summer camp to learn how to ride.

1.She still uses "nu-nus" (pacifiers). But, when she turns 4 she is going to give them to the "nu-nu" fairy.  She doesn't use them so much to suck on then, although she does do this.  Her favorite thing to do? Play with them between her toes. 
2.She lost her entire big toenail after injuring it about a month ago.  It is something we talk about and examine at least four times a day. At least.
3.She is the only person (other than myself) who correctly IDs the baby boys the first time, every time. And she's been able to do so since her first time meeting them.
4. She kind of, just a little bit likes the color purple;)
5.She is a "master" of gymnastics.  Ok, maybe not a master, but she graduated from Beginners 2 to Intermediate and her sheet said she had mastered all the beginner 2 stuff.  So, ask her and she's a master:)

1.He is whiny.  Oh, man, can that kid whine and cry for attention.  The moment you pick him up he stops. And now the saddest thing is when you walk in on him crying and his glasses have fogged up.  The poor guy can't see anything. 
2.He is mobile.  Like scoot backwards and get stuck under the couch mobile. Like putting up safety gates mobile. AH!
3.He LOVES our cat and dog. He just about broke his neck and ate his dinner with his head sideways tonight because he was stalking the cat as she walked through the room.
4. He sleeps with a blanket over his face. Which scares the be-jesus out of me, but it's the only way the kid falls like his father there.
5.We had to move him up to size 3 diapers because his thighs just couldn't handle the size 2s anymore. 

1.My favorite nickname for him is bonus baby and when I call him that he laughs and laughs and laughs!
2.He is my calmest, most laid-back kid ever.  Joey will be about ready to explode from not being picked up fast enough and Vinnie just lays there and smiles and laughs.  The more ridiculous Joey is being the funnier Vinnie thinks it is.
3.He will grab anything you put in front of him....and quickly.  And then you better be ready for tug-of-war because once he has something he does not want to let go.
4.The only food that he refuses to eat so far is peas....and who can blame the poor kid? Peas are pretty bad to start with then they puree them into water for the babies.  Ick.
5.He is obsessed with me.  All of my other kids have been obsessed with dad. Not Vinnie. Now, don't get me wrong he loves and adores Joe, but for right now I am his sun and moon.  And, to let you in on a little secret...I don't want that to ever change!